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Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023 (Registrar, Pediatrician, Pharmacist+21 Posts Syllabus) Check from Here

Kirkee Cantonment Board has released Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023. You can check on easily.

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Type of EmploymentGovernment
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Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023 Written Examination

Post NameSubject Name
RegistrarNo Written test for this Post.
PediatricianNo Written test for this Post.
Asstt. Medical OfficerNo Written test for this Post.
1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus related to Pharmacy
Physiotherapist1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus related to Physiotherapy.
X-Ray Technician1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus of BSC and Diploma in Radiology.
Stenographer1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus Based on Computer Knowledge in Word Excel, Power point and use of the Internet.
Mali1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus Based on Horticulture and Gardening.
Dresser1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus related to the dresser.
Ward Aya1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
Ward Boy1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
Poundkeeper1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
Mazdoor1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
Watchman1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
Peon1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
Fireman1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus related to Fire Brigade Course.
Carpenter1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus-related Carpentry.
Mason1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus related to Masonary.
Wireman1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus related to Wireman.
Sanitary Inspector1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension
5. Syllabus related to Sanitary Inspector Course.
Sweeper1. General intelligence & reasoning
2. General Awareness
3. Numerical Aptitude
4. English Comprehension

What will come in Reasoning in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023

  • NumberSeries
  • Classification
  • VennDiagram
  • The problem of figure pattern
  • Statements and Arguments
  • Statements and Assumption
  • Puzzles
  • Coding and decoding
  • Alphabet series
  • Paper Folding
  • Syllogism
  • Statements and Conclusion
  • Assertion and Reasoning
  • Seating Arrangements
  • Word building
  • Blood relation

What will come in Quantitative Aptitude in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023

  • Simplification
  • Number Series
  • Percentage
  • Ration and Proportion
  • Time
  • Speed and distance
  • Average
  • Geometry and Mensuration
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Bar Graph
  • Trigonometry Number System
  • Square root
  • Surd and Indices
  • Profit and Loss
  • Simple and cisterns
  • Boat and stream
  • Probability
  • Pie Chart
  • Line Graph
  • Line Equation
  • Mixture and Allegation
  • Discount.

What will come in English Comprehensive in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023

  • Spot the Error
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Spelling/ Detecting misspelt words
  • ldioms & phrases
  • one-word substitution
  • lmprov6ment of sentences
  • Active/ passive voice of verbs Conversion into Direct and Indirect Narration
  • Shuffling of sentence parts
  • Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
  • Close Passage
  • Comprehension Passage
  • Part of Speech
  • Tenses
  • Article
  • Subject Verb Agreement.

What will come in General Awareness in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023

Current Affairs

What will come in the Skill Test in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023

Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023
Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023


Q1: What is the written examination time for Kirkee Cantt Recruitment 2023?

Ans: The question paper will be of 90 minutes duration with 100 marks consisting of 100 questions of objective type questions.

Q2: What is the apply date for Kirkee Cantt Recruitment 2023?

Ans: 04-February-2023.

Q3: What is the last date for Kirkee Cantt Recruitment 2023?

Ans: 06-March-2023.

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