Kirkee Cantonment Board has released Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023. You can check on easily.
Overview of Kirkee Cantt Recruitment 2023
Organization | Kirkee Cantonment Board |
Type of Employment | Government |
Post Name | Various |
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Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023 Written Examination
Post Name | Subject Name |
Registrar | No Written test for this Post. |
Pediatrician | No Written test for this Post. |
Asstt. Medical Officer | No Written test for this Post. |
Pharmacist | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus related to Pharmacy |
Physiotherapist | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus related to Physiotherapy. |
X-Ray Technician | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus of BSC and Diploma in Radiology. |
Stenographer | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus Based on Computer Knowledge in Word Excel, Power point and use of the Internet. |
Mali | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus Based on Horticulture and Gardening. |
Dresser | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus related to the dresser. |
Ward Aya | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension |
Ward Boy | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension |
Poundkeeper | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension |
Mazdoor | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension |
Watchman | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension |
Peon | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension |
Fireman | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus related to Fire Brigade Course. |
Carpenter | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus-related Carpentry. |
Mason | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus related to Masonary. |
Wireman | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus related to Wireman. |
Sanitary Inspector | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension 5. Syllabus related to Sanitary Inspector Course. |
Sweeper | 1. General intelligence & reasoning 2. General Awareness 3. Numerical Aptitude 4. English Comprehension |
What will come in Reasoning in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023
- NumberSeries
- Classification
- VennDiagram
- The problem of figure pattern
- Statements and Arguments
- Statements and Assumption
- Puzzles
- Coding and decoding
- Alphabet series
- Paper Folding
- Syllogism
- Statements and Conclusion
- Assertion and Reasoning
- Seating Arrangements
- Word building
- Blood relation
What will come in Quantitative Aptitude in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023
- Simplification
- Number Series
- Percentage
- Ration and Proportion
- Time
- Speed and distance
- Average
- Geometry and Mensuration
- Permutation and Combination
- Bar Graph
- Trigonometry Number System
- Square root
- Surd and Indices
- Profit and Loss
- Simple and cisterns
- Boat and stream
- Probability
- Pie Chart
- Line Graph
- Line Equation
- Mixture and Allegation
- Discount.
What will come in English Comprehensive in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023
- Spot the Error
- Fill in the Blanks
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Spelling/ Detecting misspelt words
- ldioms & phrases
- one-word substitution
- lmprov6ment of sentences
- Active/ passive voice of verbs Conversion into Direct and Indirect Narration
- Shuffling of sentence parts
- Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
- Close Passage
- Comprehension Passage
- Part of Speech
- Tenses
- Article
- Subject Verb Agreement.
What will come in General Awareness in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023
Current Affairs
What will come in the Skill Test in Kirkee Cantt Syllabus 2023

Ans: The question paper will be of 90 minutes duration with 100 marks consisting of 100 questions of objective type questions.
Ans: 04-February-2023.
Ans: 06-March-2023.
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